Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Brief #1 - Defining News

I would bet any amount of money that the way "Baby Boomers" define news is night and day from the way that us "Millennials" do in this day and age. This observation was made simply based off of me and my personal news preferences. Just to be sure lets look at the definition of "news" in the most reliable dictionary available.

Even with knowing the actual definition of news, the validity of my point will not change. I believe that most of our elders feel as though the source where the news comes from defines the news, so whilst my grandmother thinks the only definition of news is our local newspaper, Channel 12, or any other local, national, or international news channels I have to disagree. I feel as though the source where the news is acquired from does not dehydrate the "juiciness" of a fresh story or first look. I hate to be that one person that plugs in social media use for everything, but the more and more I try to fight it, it just consumes me. News to me is actually Facebook. YES, I actually said it. Everyday before I even rub the crust out of my eyes or leave my bed I pick up my phone and there are notifications from Facebook. There are reminders for upcoming events, notifications from comments I or other people have made, instant feedback from anyone about ANYTHING! Now that I've finally typed it out I feel much better about admitting that I get news from Facebook. This past Summer when the Dallas Police Shooting Incident occurred there were several instances where the Facebook pages for most of the major news stations went Facebook Live and streamed everything as it was going on with no commercials and hardly any interruptions. Facebook and other social media platforms alike are doing a great justice to us more "tech-savvy" millennials by placing hard national news right alongside the funny, quirky videos of cats getting stuck in lampshades, as well as, posts about your Great Aunt's 80th birthday party.  

Works Cited 

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