Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Brief #6 - Campus Crime

Most people would imagine their school as a safe haven. When parents send their children off to college they never imagine that they will be victims of crime, let alone commit crimes. Colleges and universities are melting pots of people from all walks of lives and backgrounds and there is no sure fire way that just because their students aren't convicts that they won't become convicts. Arizona State University is one of the largest schools in the nation and they are making headlines for more than just academics at this point. Upon researching campus crime, I googled campus crime reports and an article regarding Arizona State University and the University of Arizona was at the top of the list. Arizona Central reported that the most reported campus crime on both campuses was burglary. The article also touched on several other crimes being reported between both schools such as rape, liquor and drug law violations, and aggravated assault.


"UA had fewer liquor-law incidents but more drug-law incidents than in 2013 or 2014. It was almost the same at ASU, which in 2015 had the most drug arrests at 325 and fewest alcohol arrests at 314 in its three-year period." 

"ASU cited a recent survey from the American College Health Association survey which showed that 60.9 percent of ASU students reported they had ever received information from their university about sexual assault and relationship violence, up from 50.1 percent two years ago."

Works Cited

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